HCFM Kenya Updates

School Masses

School Mass at James Gichuru Primary School, Dandora.

Catholic school Masses provide a unique opportunity for students to deepen their faith and connect with their community in a meaningful way. In these Masses, students are not only taught the teachings of Jesus Christ, but they also have the chance to actively participate in the Mass and to witness the powerful effects of prayer.

Through the celebration of Mass, students learn the importance of compassion, forgiveness, and service to others. They are encouraged to reflect on their own lives and to consider how they can make a positive difference in the world. Catholic school Masses help to instill in students a sense of purpose and meaning, as they grow in their understanding of their own spirituality.

Attending Mass also fosters a sense of community and belonging among students. They come together to worship and to share in the sacraments, creating a bond that goes beyond the classroom. This sense of connection and unity can be a powerful source of inspiration for students as they navigate the challenges of life.

In Catholic school Masses, students are not simply learning about their faith, but they are also given the tools to live out that faith in their daily lives. By participating in Mass and growing in their understanding of Catholic teachings, students are empowered to make a positive impact on the world around them.