Peyton Prayer Guilds
Peyton Prayer Guilds – a foundation stone for HCFM
I am so proud to say a big thank you to all of you for your active spirit of renewal and revival in our different Peyton Prayer Guilds. There is a noticeable spirit of cooperation, collaboration and good will among all of you. This spirit can be observed in the increasing number of members in our guilds. We are currently 265 members in our guilds. BRAVO!
Through this membership in the guilds, there is a very great hope for the development, growth and expansion of HCFMKENYA. Such a spirit has greatly enhanced the fulfillment of the mission and vision of Holy Cross Family Ministries in the Kenyan region.
Since 2018 hcfmkenya has experienced a vibrant spirit of growth in membership within our parish. There are currently eighteen guilds in our regions. They include, Peace, Joy, Goodness, Kindness, Love, Patience, Grace, Unity of God, Faith, Obedience, Humility, Prudence, Knowledge, wisdom, light, Hope, Fortitude and Mercy.
All these guilds now have an enthusiastic and zealous coordinator Anne Nduta. She is also assisted by the members of Grace PPG as mentors while also working with the various PPG leaders. She has a special role to coordinate, organize and mobilize the members towards living a worthy life of prayer in their guilds. To ensure that guilds pray together, meet and share together about their life. Should there be any concerns in a given guild, it is her responsibility to let the director know and together find a way to respond appropriately. She oversees the weekly, monthly and annual activities of the various guilds. These include their workshops, recollections, Masses and annual celebrations like Peyton Day. She also mobilizes the presence of guild members at most of the events organized throughout the year like the month of Mary, the month of the rosary, the conclusion of Try Prayer Contest, Rosary crusades for adults and children, valentine special dinners, Marian feast/memorial days.
The guilds have the following reasons for their existence:
- To pray for the canonization of Patrick Peyton CSC.
- To promote the mission and vision of HCFM among families.
- To inspire various people into a deeper sacramental life especially of the Eucharist, Marriage, Reconciliation.
- To support the efficient and sustainable programs of HCFM financially, spiritually and materially.
- To be models of strong family prayer in all the small Christian communities where they belong.
It is with hope that the confusion that used to exist with the SCC of our parish, shall fully be healed with the good leadership that is building up.
Due to the inspiration that is manifesting itself among the guilds, a lot of people are getting attracted to join a PPG. People love the spirit, People love the power of the family! However, I would like to clarify that if there be a need to form a new PPG, the following criteria shall have to be observed:
- Number must be of ten members and above.
- Members must have undergone a preparatory period of three months learning about the founder, history, mission, vision and programs/activities and ministries of HCFM locally and internationally. This is from the time of expressing the desire.
- Must have attended at least two of the major events of HCFM in collaboration with other groups.
- Must have been accorded at least one workshop on HCFMDANDORA and have obtained a uniform for their distinction.
- Must submit a letter of request for recognition as a guild to the director of HCFM through the moderator.
Hopefully, this will provide better direction for any one that might wish to recommend any to join and form a guild.
PPGs Driving Force…
- That they come up with efficient and sustainable programs that enhance the prayer life and spiritual wellbeing of families within our parish and beyond.
- Be prepared to take up at least one topic for radio as planned by the coordinator in conjunction with other departments.
- That that members of guilds do their best to attend the events planned and organized by various departments within and outside the parish.
- That members have a better mastery of the history, purpose, goals, vision, mission and programs of Holy Cross Family Ministries locally and internationally.
- That each Guild prepare a quarterly report of the events and programs that they have done. The report should have a list of the events done, achievements, challenges and recommendations for any needed response.
- That guilds continue the promotion of HCFM resources within the parish and beyond, especially the mission and vision of HCFM. This is very much needed especially through Masses, prayer meetings and recollections.
- That members come up with a welfare policy that shall sustain some programs at HCFM through financial contributions on a given frequency.
- To see you participate, in collaboration with the legion of Mary, in all the Marian feasts/solemnities/memorials throughout the calendar at Mass and Processions of the Rosary or even at praying of the Rosary.
Let us remember that as Holy Cross Family Ministries, we have three most important goals to meet: to develop programs, activities and services that meet the needs of the contemporary family; to share and promote all available HCFM resources concerning the family with all the people that we meet e.g., “the family that prays together, stays together”; and finally,to build a sustainable and efficient organization through financial, material and spiritual support.
PPGs are the operating area for the achievement of these goals. You are the only reliable foundation for these goals to be effected. You are the soul of HCFM. You are the channel through which HCFM is felt, rewarded and enhanced. You are the real owners of the best example for the words of our founder Patrick Peyton CSC that “the family that prays together, stays together!”